Rooftop Solar System

Why You Should Consider Installing a Rooftop Solar System
An increasing number of homeowners are looking into rooftop solar systems, and there are several good reasons why this might be a smart move. Solar energy can be used to power your entire home or just portions of it, and once you’ve paid off the initial cost of the system, you’ll enjoy free power for the rest of your home’s lifetime (assuming it lasts more than 20 years). Even better, installing a rooftop solar system can actually reduce your overall electricity costs.

Get Free Electricity
As the name suggests, rooftop solar systems are installed on your roof. This means that you’ll be generating your own electricity, which can save you money on your energy bill. In addition, solar energy is a renewable resource, so you’ll be doing your part to help the environment. And if you live in an area with net metering, you may even be able to sell excess electricity back to the grid!

Reduce Energy Bills & Get Tax Deductions
A typical residential solar system can cost between $10,000 and $15,000. However, it’s important to remember that this is an investment. The average return on investment (ROI) for solar is 20%. This means that for every $1 you spend on your system, you save $0.20 over the course of its lifetime. In addition to saving money, you can also get tax deductions for installing solar panels.

Support Renewable Energy
We all know that using renewable energy is important in the fight against climate change. And one of the best ways to support renewable energy is by installing a rooftop solar system. Not only will you be doing your part to help the environment, but you’ll also be saving money on your energy bills.

Benefit from Excess Energy Generation
Many people are familiar with the benefits of solar energy, but what they may not know is that a rooftop solar system can actually generate more energy than you need. This excess energy can be used to power your home in the event of an outage or sold back to the grid, providing you with an additional income stream. Not only does this make solar energy more affordable, but it also helps to reduce your carbon footprint.

Save Money on Utilities & Increase Property Value
A rooftop solar system can help you save money on your monthly utilities by offsetting the cost of your electricity with renewable energy. In addition, installing solar can increase the value of your property. Studies have shown that homes with solar sell 20% faster and for 17% more money than homes without solar.

Boost Resale Value of Home
A study done by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory showed that, on average, installing a rooftop solar system can increase the resale value of a home by $15,000. Not only does this mean that you could make some of your money back if you decide to sell your home, but it also means that your home is more likely to sell in the first place. In fact, homes with solar systems installed tend to sell 20% faster than homes without them.
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